Windows 7…why migrate? Part 1
Part 1. I realize I am long overdue for a blog post — my apologies. I’ve had many clients ask me — “Windows XP works great. Why fix what isn’t broken?” First off — they are right. Windows XP isn’t...
View ArticlePart 2. Why migrate?
I realize, first off, that I need to get better about updating this. Which, I promise any readers I still have – I will do. As promised, part 2 will focus on a deeper segment into the Networking and...
View ArticlePart 3: Security Enhancements with Win7
I have many enterprise professionals and even average consumers who ask me daily, “How can I be most secure in my daily computing?” The answer is simple: Windows 7. We’ve all heard it, “Windows 7 is...
View ArticleWindows Log On Log Off Loop
Over the past few months I have seen an overwhelming increase to malicious software infection – including on Windows 7 machines. One of the more common errors now-a-days seems to be that when you...
View ArticleAhh! Legacy apps won’t work in Windows 7!
I really need to get better at updating and writing more. There has just been so much buzz about the new Windows Mobile Phone 7 that is rumored for release around the holiday season of this year that I...
View ArticleCuriosity killed the cat
Windows XP SP2 is EOS in just about 4 days. Most likely, everyone has moved to SP3 or Windows 7. Out of sheer curiosity, if you have not yet moved to Windows 7 and are still choosing to remain on...
View ArticleWhat is the best way to deploy Windows 7?
I have a lot of people ask about the best method to move their enterprise from a legacy operating system to Windows 7. I wrote a bit of a general step-by-step that I hoped would assist other IT Pro’s...
View ArticleIt’s official! Microsoft MVP Award for Windows Expert – IT Pro
As of this morning, I received my Microsoft MVP award letter. There are around 4,000 MVPs recognized by Microsoft around the world out of 100 million participants in technical communities and today,...
View ArticleWant something equivalent to the Linux Tail command but for Windows? Use...
If you’re like me and you write a lot of scripts that take anywhere from 15 minutes to 50 minutes to complete an install, sometimes it’s nice to be able to see the log file generated as the...
View ArticleWindows 10 Update Error 0x80244019
I have Windows 10 Insider Preview installed on two of my PCs and I couldn’t figure out why I received a Windows Update error (0x80244019) every time I tried to run Windows Update after RTM and GoLive....
View ArticleIt’s official! Microsoft MVP Award for Windows Expert – IT Pro
As of this morning, I received my Microsoft MVP award letter. There are around 4,000 MVPs recognized by Microsoft around the world out of 100 million participants in technical communities and today,...
View ArticleWant something equivalent to the Linux Tail command but for Windows? Use...
If you’re like me and you write a lot of scripts that take anywhere from 15 minutes to 50 minutes to complete an install, sometimes it’s nice to be able to see the log file generated as the...
View ArticleWindows 10 Update Error 0x80244019
I have Windows 10 Insider Preview installed on two of my PCs and I couldn’t figure out why I received a Windows Update error (0x80244019) every time I tried to run Windows Update after RTM and GoLive....
View ArticleUsing Word 2016 for Mac and can’t see top margins?
I’ve been using Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac for quite awhile now and I finally had time to figure out why I couldn’t see the top margins of my Word documents. The solution is surprisingly easy –...
View ArticleBash on Windows!
As you probably know, Bash is coming to Windows 10. If you are in the Insider Preview program, you can play with it today! Build 14316 was released to Insider users in the Fast Ring, which was...
View ArticleWindows 10, VMware ESXi, and missing VMDK File?
I have a Windows 10 virtual machine hosted on a VMWare ESXi 5.5 server at home. I use it for simple things like a Plex media server, Calibre book server, and I run a Python script from GitHub...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure and WordPress – Bitnami Cost Comparison and Option Break Down
I recently decided to migrate my previously self-hosted blog from one 3rd party solution to Microsoft Azure. I’ve performed WordPress migrations before, but surprisingly, never to Azure. Since...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure: How to get started with Bitnami and WordPress
I thought I would write a quick how-to for getting started quickly with Bitnami and WordPress in less than 5 minutes from within Microsoft Azure. First, sign into the the new portal at...
View ArticleHow to: Clone a Linux Azure VM
In this post we are going to cover how to clone a Linux VM using the Microsoft Azure ARM portal and Azure CLI. In the next post we will use the JSON template and VHD we capture from today’s post to...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure: How to change a repository in a Linux Ubuntu VM
If you have a particular repository you want to use for your Linux VM from within Azure to install packages from, simply follow the below instructions. For our example, we will update the repository...
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